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All Nottingham City Councillors are required to abide by the Council’s Code of Conduct for Councillors and Co-opted Members in Article 15 of the Council’s Constitution which can be found on the Council's website - Nottingham City Council's constitution - Nottingham City Council

If you believe a Councillor has breached the Code of Conduct you can complain to the Council’s Monitoring Officer.

Before you Start

The following types of complaint will not be considered under this procedure:

  1. Complaints which do not relate to a current Councillor or voting Co-optee
  2. Complaints which relate to a decision of an employee or a Committee
  3. Complaints which relate to alleged incidents which took place before a person became a Councillor or voting Co-optee
  4. Complaints which refer to alleged incidents which happened so long ago that there would be little benefit in taking action now
  5. Complaints which do not identify the Councillor or voting Co- optee being complained about
  6. Complaints which relate to a Councillor or voting co-optee’s personal or private life
  7. Complaints containing trivial, vexatious or politically motivated allegations
  8. Complaints regarding alleged behaviour which has already been investigated
  9. Complaints which relate to an alleged failure to comply with the rules regarding ‘Disclosable Pecuniary Interests’
  10. Complaints which do not relate to the Code of Conduct

If your complaint falls under one of these categories please contact the Council’s Governance Manager who will advise you on alternative courses of action open to you.


You are not obliged either by statute or by contract to provide your contact details. They will only be used by the Monitoring Officer or his staff to process and update you on your complaint; a Council task carried out in the public interest.

The Data Controller is Nottingham City Council and its Data Protection Officer is Naomi Matthews who can be contacted at: Nottingham City Council, Loxley House Station Street Nottingham NG2 3NG. The new data protection law known as the General Data Protection Regulation provides for a number of new rights.

Please note that if you are unhappy with the handling of your data you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office.

If you do not have access to the internet and would like to access to any of this information please contact the Monitoring Officer using the contact details below.

How to Make a Complaint

If you want to submit a complaint about the conduct of a Councillor or Co-opted Member of Nottingham City Council, you must do this by clicking the button below.

Complaint Form: Code of Conduct for Councillors

You can also open and save a copy of the form by clicking here and return to: Councillor Complaints

Please complete as much of the form as you are able to.

How complaints are dealt with

All complaints we receive will be dealt with in line with the Council’s Councillor Complaints Procedure,

Click here to open or save our Complaints Procedure.

Contact us

Councillor Complaints
Constitutional Services
Nottingham City Council
Loxley House
Station Street

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