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Nottingham City Council is a democratic organisation, with 55 Councillors representing electors in the 20 electoral wards in the City of Nottingham. There is a local election every four years when all 55 seats are contested.

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Political Make-Up

Our 55 councillors represent the following parties:

  • 49 Labour
  • 3 Nottingham Independent
  • 3 Independent

The Labour Group, with the most councillors, currently has control of the council.

Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council


Executive Members

The Executive is made up of the following councillors:

Leader of Opposition Group

The leader of the main Opposition Group is Councillor Kevin Clarke

Councillors Allowances and Payments

Councillors allowances under the Members' Allowances Scheme can be viewed in Governance Framework Document C.

Under The Local Authorities (Councillor allowances) (England) regulations 2001, Local Authorities are required to publish details of payments made to Councillors. This includes the basic allowance that all councillors receive, any Special Responsibility Allowances they receive for special roles such as Committee Chairmanships, Portfolio Holder roles and political group leadership, as well as any expenses paid for travel, subsistence and carers.

The above documents are published annually and detail the payments made to Councillors within a financial year.

Council's Committees and Meetings

Information about the Council's meetings and committees, including agendas and minutes.

Membership of Committees

Membership of all Nottingham City Council committees, boards, panels and joint bodies can be found in Governance Framework Documents I and J, which sit alongside the Council's Constitution.

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