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Report a Concern or Request Help & Support

If children and young people have concerns about crime, it's advisable to confide in a trusted adult, such as a Parent, Family Member, Teacher, Youth Worker, Or School Police Officer.

In emergencies, dial 999. 

To report a crime, dial 101 (If it's not an emergency) or utilise Online reporting Service of The Nottinghamshire Police via the report antisocial behaviour Page

You can also can provide crime-related information anonymously via the CrimeStoppers' platform; or 0800 555 111

Online Concerns

If you’re concerned about a nude or sexual image or video of yourself that has been posted online

‘Take It Down’ can help you to have the image removed. Visit Take It Down ( to get support

Childline can assist you in reporting it through the Report Remove tool. Visit Report Remove | Childline - to confidentially report to the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and determine if the image or video can be removed.

If you've experienced or suspect sexual online abuse, report it safely and securely to CEOP.

Click button below to Report harmful content

SWGfL Report Harmful Content


In immediate danger or at risk of harm

In cases where a child is in immediate danger or at risk of harm, it's essential to make a safeguarding referral to the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) promptly. If you are a child, a parent, a family member or a member of the public and have worries about a child, please contact the MASH on

We would also encourage you to refer to the partner websites listed on this site and the following:

Contact us

Nottingham City Youth Justice Service
Nottingham City Council Children’s Integrated Services 
Loxley House, Station Street
Nottingham, NG2 3NG

Tel: 01159159400

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