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Nottingham City Safeguarding Adults Board (NCSAB) is the statutory forum for agreeing on how services, agencies, organisations and the community work together to safeguard adults at risk of harm and abuse.

It is a statutory requirement for local authorities to set up a Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB). The main objective of a SAB is to assure itself that local safeguarding arrangements and partners act to help and protect adults in its area who:

  • Has needs for care and support (whether the local authority is meeting any of those needs or not)
  • Is experiencing or is at risk of harm, abuse or neglect
  • As a result of those with care and support needs, unable to protect themselves from either the risk of, or the experience of abuse or neglect (Care Act 2014, Care and Support Statutory Guidance)

NCSAB welcome any feedback and comments on our plans. Don't hesitate to get in touch with the Board office:

Please note this email address is not for submitting safeguarding referrals or for contacting the Adult Social Care Safeguarding Team. Click below for information if you are worried about yourself or someone else

Make a safeguarding referral

The SAB has three core duties:

  • It must publish a strategic plan for each financial year that sets how it will meet its primary objective and what the members will do to achieve this
  • It must publish an annual report detailing what the SAB has done during the year to achieve its primary objective and implement its strategic plan, and what each member has done to implement the strategy as well as detailing the findings of any safeguarding adults reviews and subsequent action
  • It must conduct any safeguarding adults review in accordance with Section 44 of the Care Act

You can download and read current NCSAB reports by clicking links below to download the PDF/Word files.

The Board has an Independent Chair, Lesley Hutchinson.

The Board comprises representatives from partner organisations as detailed below.

Statutory (funding) partners

  • Nottingham City Council (Adult Social Care)
  • Nottinghamshire Police
  • NHS Nottingham City Clinical Commissioning Group

Non-statutory partners

  • National Probation Service, Nottinghamshire
  • Derbyshire, Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire and Rutland Community Rehabilitation Company
  • Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service
  • East Midlands Ambulance Service
  • Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
  • Nottingham CityCare Partnership
  • Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
  • Vulnerable Adults Provider Network
  • Nottingham City Council Public Health
  • HMP Nottingham
  • Nottingham Crime and Drugs Partnership
  • Nottingham City Council Member (Portfolio Holder with responsibility for Adult Safeguarding)

Board Structure

The Board has a Business Management Group, and three subgroups (Quality Assurance, Safeguarding Adults Review and Training, Learning and Improvement).

The Board is supported by a full time Board Manager, and 0.5 FTE Business Support Officer. The Board meets Quarterly.

You can find out more about the NCSAB by clicking on the links below to download our Structure, Constitution and Information Sharing Agreement:

Contact us

Loxley House
Station Street

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