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Intermittent Phone Line Issues |

We are currently experiencing some intermittent issues with our phone lines. If you are unable to reach us, you can contact us online. We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience while we work to resolve this issue.

If we've had no contact or payment after a further 28 day period of the NtO being issued, a Charge Certificate will be issued to the registered vehicle keeper.

The Charge Certificate increases the original PCN fee by 50% and provides a 14 to 21 day period for payment dependent on the type of PCN issued. If no payment is made within this period, we may register the charge as a debt and you may receive contact from an enforcement agency.

How to get more information about your Charge Certificate

You may receive a Charge Certificate if:

  • You were not aware that you had received a PCN or
  • You have appealed your PCN and have not yet received a response

If one of these apply then you can wait for the Order for Recovery to be sent to you. You can complete the Witness Statement/ Statutory Declaration, selecting Option 1 – “I did not receive the Notice to Owner / Penalty Charge Notice” or Option 2– “I made a Representation and did not receive a rejection of Representation”.

The Order for Recovery and Witness Statement/ Statutory Declaration should be issued to you after 14 days from the date of service of your Charge Certificate if the Penalty Charge Notice remains unpaid. This may be delayed due to processing requirements. If you have not received The Order for Recovery and Witness Statement after 28 days from the date of your Charge Certificate, then you should contact us.

The signed and completed form should be returned to the Traffic Enforcement Centre.

If any of the above does not apply and you would like to know why you have received a Charge Certificate, please email

Please include the following information in your email: 

  • Your PCN reference number (NG xxxx xxxx)
  • Vehicle registration number
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