Invite the Sheriff of Nottingham to attend your event
The Sheriff attends hundreds of events and functions throughout their Civic year.
The Sheriff is happy to receive invitations to events that are taking place within the City of Nottingham.
To invite a civic to your event please email the civic office at:
Write to us at:
The Civic Office
The Council House
Old Market Square
*All correspondence will be responded to within 10 working days once we have discussed diary commitments with the Sheriff.
Please tell us what the event is, the date, time and place the event is being held and as much background information as possible.
All invitations must be received by the office six weeks prior to the event date.
We will then ask the Sheriff if they are able to attend and, if they can, we will send you an engagement form which contains important information for the civic diaries.
If you wish the civic to make a speech at your event you must send in a draft speech with your completed form.
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