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Share Your Thoughts on the Council |

We want to hear from you! Take a quick survey to share your views on how the Council is doing. It only takes a couple of minutes, and your feedback will help make a real difference.

This consultation is Closed

Consultation Open 17 December 2024 to 13 January 2025
Nottingham City Council is proposing a range of savings and income proposals worth £17.91m to help set a balanced budget for 2025/26. These proposals aim to focus on the essentials, maintain financial stability, and serve Nottingham's residents effectively. £10.788 million of these savings and income proposals require public  consultation.
You can view proposals for public engagement using this link: List of proposals for public engagement (appendix 1)
You can have your say on these using the survey link below.

Take the survey

There are a further 14 proposals totalling £7.12m in the first year (and £8.01m over the full four years of the Medium-Term Financial Plan). These proposals have been deemed not for public consultation because they are about internal processes.
You can view proposals deemed not for public consultation using this link: List of proposals not for public engagement (appendix 2) 

Like other councils, Nottingham faces big challenges: helping vulnerable families, caring for the elderly, tackling homelessness, and dealing with rising costs. To address these, the council plans to simplify operations, work more efficiently, update old methods, and focus on providing good services for everyone.

These proposals involve reviewing the way the council works, cutting unnecessary costs, and modernising to be more efficient. The savings goals are ambitious and involve major changes, not just simple cuts, based on comparisons with other councils.

No final decision has been made on these proposals. It is important that we get the views of people who live, work, visit and study here.

What is the council’s current budget situation?

The council needs to make savings in order to meet the legal requirement all local authorities have to set a balanced budget for the financial year.

Why are savings needed?

Pressures from caring for vulnerable adults, children and the homeless are having an impact on councils across the country – as well the rising cost of living.

Despite improvements, the council needs to transform the way it works to ensure it is delivering services within its available budget.

Where does the council’s main funding come from?

A significant proportion of the council’s funding comes from the Government in the form of grants including the Revenue Support Grant. Over the last 10 years, the level of Revenue Support Grant received by the council reduced by £97 million.

What about Council Tax?

Another source of income is Council Tax. This will be considered by the Council early in the New Year.

80% of Nottingham’s homes are in the two lowest Council Tax bands A and B  – almost twice the national average – which means we are able to raise less through increasing Council Tax than many other councils.

How does the council propose to set a balanced budget in 2025/26

A wide range of proposals have been put forward by officers to improve the efficiency and performance of the council. We believe we can work better and smarter, which will not only cost less money but also improve the services our citizens receive. They can be viewed in full in the appendices to the report to the executive board here:, but they include:

·       Digital Resident Experience: Consolidate roles and improve digital access to services to achieve efficiencies and savings

·       Fit-for-purpose Technology: Conduct a council-wide IT review to rationalise applications, systems, licenses, and subscriptions, ensuring business continuity and cost savings.

·       Consolidating spans, layers and functions: Reduce management roles and improve efficiency by consolidating resources and addressing inefficient management spans of control.

·       Improving Productivity & Performance: Improve productivity and manage staffing budgets by reducing sickness rates and enhancing performance management.

·       Strengthening Workforce Management: This proposal is about having better systems to manage and monitor how people work for the council - as well as giving more support to teams that have vacant positions or people who are off work with illness.

·       Reducing Third Party Spend: Introduce commercial expertise to reduce third-party spending and enhance procurement processes.

How can people have their say on the budget proposals?

A four-week public consultation on the budget proposals has been launched following a meeting of the council’s Executive Board meeting on 17 December. Add link

Paper copies are available at local Nottingham City libraries. To find your local branch click here: Find a Library | Nottingham City Libraries

If you need help with translation, or for any other queries please contact

A series of in-person and online consultation meetings will also take place throughout January where councillors and officers will discuss the proposals and answer questions. Details can be found on the event schedule.

When will final decisions be made on the proposals?

Feedback from the consultation will be discussed by councillors at a meeting of the Executive Board on 21st January and will help inform any decisions made.

The Board will then agree budget recommendations to go to Full Council for final approval on 3rd March. 

EIA's for the proposals are available here.

The EIA for the consultation process can be viewed here.

You can download and view the slides displayed at the engagement events here

19th December 2024 - 5pm until 6:30pm
Venue: Council House
Attendance: Public event - all welcome

This is an open public engagement meeting, and no pre-booking or registration is required however places are limited to 100, so early arrival from 5pm is recommended to secure your place. 

The meeting will begin at 5.30pm and close at 6.30pm. There will be a short slide presentation by members of the Council’s Cabinet, followed by a question-and-answer session with the audience.

The meeting takes place in the Ballroom of the Council House, which is accessible via stair and lifts.

Sign language translation is not available at this meeting. For deaf and hearing-impaired citizens, sign language supported meeting takes place at Loxley House on January 8th, 3pm - 4pm- please scroll down this page for more details and registration information.

For queries please contact

8th January 2025 - 2pm until 3pm
Venue: Microsoft Teams. Please return to this page nearer the date for the link to the meeting.
Attendance: Businesses & Partners 

Please bookmark this link which will go live at 2pm on 8th January 2025.

8th January 2025 - 12:30pm until 1:30pm 
Venue: Hybrid - Microsoft Teams & Loxley House
Attendance: Voluntary & Community sector organisations

If you are attending in person please book using this link. Please bookmark this link which will go live at 12:30 on 8th January 2025.

8th January 2025 - 6pm until 7pm
Venue: Microsoft Teams
Attendance: Public event - all welcome

Please bookmark this link which will go live at 6pm on 8th January 2025.

9th January 2025 - 3pm until 4pm 
Venue: Loxley House
Attendance: Disability Involvement Group members & deaf and hearing-impaired citizens

Please book using this link if you are joining in-person and this link if you would like to join the meeting virtually.

You can view the press release regarding the budget here

The following short video shows how you can translate the survey. Answers submitted in an alternative language to English will be translated our end using Google Translate.

Paper copies are available at local Nottingham City libraries. You can also hand in a completed paper copy at your library if you wish to print at home. To find your local branch click here: Find a Library | Nottingham City Libraries

If you would like to mail your completed survey directly to us please send to the following address:

Research, Engagement & Consultation Team
Loxley House
Station Street, NG2 3NG
United Kingdom

You can download and print off a copy of the survey here
You can download and view a pdf copy of the FAQ's here
You can download and view a word copy of the presentation slides here
You can download and view a large text version of the survey here

We want our consultations to be as accessible as possible. If you require a survey in large text or braille, a sign language interpreter at one of our in-person engagement events, or anything else in order to participate in this consultation please contact us at


Take the survey