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What is a Local Plan

A Local Plan sets out local planning policies and identifies how land is used, determining what will be built within a local authority area. Adopted local plans provide the framework for an area's development.

Click the buttons below to find out further details about specific Local Plan and Planning Policy matters for Nottingham City.

In Nottingham the Local Plan comprises the:

The Adopted Local Plan

The Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan - Local Plan Part 1

Nottingham City, Broxtowe Borough, and Rushcliffe Borough are consulting on the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan Publication Draft. This Plan sets out policies to secure sustainable growth up to 2041.

The consultation period closes on 25 April 2025

Further details on this plan can be viewed online at Greater Nottingham Planning Partnership website

The Land and Planning Policies Document - Local Plan Part 2 was adopted by the Council on 13th January 2020 (see committee papers) following receipt of the Inspector's report.  Archive information about the examination of the LAPP can be found on the Examination Web pages.

Nottinghamshire County Council and Nottingham City Council Waste Local Plan

The two councils are working to prepare a new Waste Local Plan which will replace the previous Adopted Waste Local Plan (2002) and the Waste Core Strategy (2013). Please view the County Council website for the latest news on the review.

Local Plan Review

Local Plan Consultation and Latest News

Details of the latest news related to the Local Plan and current and past consultations.  

Greater Nottingham Consultation Database

To enable us to undertake consultations on the Local Plan and related documents we are setting up a joint consultation database with other Greater Nottingham councils (Broxtowe, Erewash, Gedling and Rushcliffe) to review the Aligned Core Strategy (Part 1 of the Local Plan). 

Further information including the necessary details you need to provide are available on the Greater Nottingham Consultation Database page.

Supplementary Planning Documents and Supplementary Planning Guidance

Details of Supplementary Planning Documents, Supplementary Planning Guidance, Design Quality Framework, Interim Planning Guidance, Development Briefs, Conservation Area Character Appraisal & Management Plans and Information Planning Guidance.

Other Local Plan related documents

List of other Local Plan related documents, including the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI), the Local Development Scheme (LDS), Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) and the Authority Monitoring Report (AMR).

Planning for Student Accommodation

A dedicated planning for student accommodation webpage that sets out details of monitoring and useful information about student accommodation in Nottingham including rental levels, and the location of student accommodation. 

Section 106 Agreements

Section 106 agreements are legal agreements between a Council and developers; these are linked to planning permissions and can also be known as planning obligations.

Details about Nottingham City Council's requirements can be found on the S106 contributions web page.  The Council has a S106 Estimator tool to help calculate the likely contributions for certain forms of infrastructure in Nottingham.  The S106 costs are reviewed annual (around April each year), further details are set out on the Revised S106 Contributions webpage.

Planning Policy & Research Team Privacy Notice

A copy of the Planning Policy & Research Team Privacy Notice is available by clicking the button above.

Local Plan and Planning Policy Accessibility Statement

A copy of the Local Plan and Planning Policy Accessibility Statement.

Contacting the Local Plan Team

The Local Plan team are hybrid working and so you are advised to make initial contact by emailing

Contact us

Planning and Building Control
LH Box 5
Loxley House
Station Street

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